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About Abhilasha Aid Society

While it is difficult to delineate specific functional areas of "desire", all the basic areas of human life's needs are, as always, intertwined. We have also tried to bring gender-based equality in these villages by promoting self-reliance among women, bypassing the initiatives taken by "Abhilasha" in the field of education, health and sanitation. Women have been specially encouraged to engage in economic activities.

          Old age financial and medical assistance is also provided to help and support the old people. People have been motivated to form Self Help Groups to create cooperation and self reliance. Vocational training proved helpful to the men and women of the village who try to set up small businesses. The culmination of all our efforts lies in creating stronger bonds between people, empowering women and paving the way for capable future citizens.

In addition, the value of maintaining health and hygiene was inculcated through tireless efforts. Competitions with cash prizes and scholarship opportunities for education eventually helped open them up. The difference between freedom and conservatism is better understood when we understand what it is like to live life anyway and live it for a purpose.


The vision of the organization is sustainable development of rural and backward areas; Empowerment of weaker sections of the society; To remove the miseries of the public; Improving the health and socio-economic status of the underprivileged, bringing the poor into the front line of development and into the mainstream.

To help and take care of needy, neglected and neglected women, children or old people. To promote self reliance and financial independence for the underprivileged sections. Strengthening human bonds and nurturing value to life around us. To contribute in providing social acceptance and encouragement to the weaker sections of the society. To provide opportunities for self-expression and growth.


        Abhilasha's mission is to guide and involve vulnerable people, especially old and disabled men, women and yoth children, in productive activities; To channelize the youth of backward areas towards constructive development path as well as harness their energy for the progress of backward areas; And also guides the poor towards sustainable economic development.

                “Abhilasha” believes in sharing the context of her name and maintaining dignity when it comes to all individuals. The primary mission of the institute is to support those who not meet the basic needs of life, while empowering them, bringing light of happiness and infusing new energy in the lives of those who are facing degrading conditions and oppression.


Abhilasha Aid Society always follow Transparency  on rules, plans, processes and actions. It is knowing why, how, what, and how much. Transparency ensures that sansthan, managers and board members act visibly and understandably, and report on their activities. And it means that the general public can hold them to account. It is the surest way of guarding against corruption, and helps increase trust in the people and institutions on which our futures depend.

Goals and Objectives

The main goal & objective of Abhilasha is to bring the rural poor into the mainstream of development.

The broad objectives of the organization are:

• Paying special attention to the weaker sections, especially the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and organizing various programs and projects for their overall development.

• Providing shelter to old age/destitute/deprived persons/orphans/widows and disable persons by establishing homes for old age and orphanages.

• To provide basic education to poor and underprivileged children in rural areas of modern India.

• To provide vocational training to the children of backward classes in rural India.

• Running programs to eliminate begging through street children.

• To organize various programs related to different aspects on environment and to encourage protection of environment and natural resources.

• Community health, birth control and health awareness programmes, education to rural women on issues of mother and child health.

• Promotion of cooperatives through agriculture, watershed management, rural employment scheme, small savings and self-help groups for financial upliftment of the people.

• Educating and organizing rural landless labor and eradication of child labour, child marriage and dowry system.

• Emphasis on literacy campaigns and work for the needy, sick, illiterate and backward classes with special focus on rural children, women and backward classes.

• Special focus on animal and bird health care and creating public awareness regarding cruelty to animals.

Establishment of an animal care shelter or gaushala especially for cows and buffaloes with calves, bullocks  and stray dogs, cats and birds.

• To study and research on the socio-economic problems of the society and create mass awareness.

• Providing vocational training to women.

Our Core Values & Beliefs:

It has helped us remain true to our purpose, make decisions in the most challenging situations and navigate through the phenomenon of violence and abuse. These values, culture and principles are intrinsic to"ABHILASHA"and need to be upheld at all times. Values are qualities that are core to ABHILASHA Aid Society. Service and sharing, Equality, Moral uprightness, Excellence & Transparency.


At ABHILASHA, Open And Honest Communication  is the ease of talking to each other and gaining understanding through it and It has been treated synonymous to listening, honesty, frankness, trust and supportiveness.

We believe and execute it through, Frequent transparent communication with external stakeholders on failures and success. Timely communication of key decisions, strategic plans by the senior leadership, Communication on ABHILASHA’S performance and plans across all its programs through quarterly reviews and annual review and Encouraging ideas through building Strategic Plans and new initiatives.


Organization's principles and rules or guidelines that govern the way Abhilasha Aid Society's works, We Are Child Centric, We keep the child in the center of all our decisions, programme planning and actions upholding trust, safety and confidentiality, We believe strategies and plans need to be driven by evidence and social impact must be monitored and evaluated continually to solve, We work with integrity,  hope and Optimism, We are process, policy and evidence driven.


 We strive to deliver what we have promised and are transparent about our failures. We work with integrity and take responsibility for our own actions and outcomes. We are responsible to ourselves, the organization and all internal and external stakeholders.


We strive to become better than we are today by challenging assumptions, demonstrating agility and being thoughtful. We are forever learners and relentless in the pursuit of maintaining quality and evolving creative, innovative and effective solutions.

Respect- We respect ourselves and others. We express our opinions, suggestions and feelings with dignity and listen to others openly even when their beliefs are different from our own.

e. Service

Our organization always use the knowledge, skills, and values acquired through training and experience to address social problems and help people in need. We place service for our peoples  above our self-interests, which may include offering pro bono assistance from time to time.

f. Social Justice

Our organization always fight against are often tasked with challenging social injustices, particularly for peoples living in poverty and facing such issues as discrimination and unemployment. We are must exhibit sensitivity to culturally and ethnically diverse populations and assist them in accessing resources, services, access to opportunities, and information that helps combat oppression.

g. Dignity and Worth of the Individual

Our organization treat each people with dignity, care, and respect, while enabling peoples' abilities and opportunities to improve their own circumstances. We also hold an obligation to the broader society and strive to resolve conflicts and remove obstacles through social responsibility.

h. Importance of Human Relationships

The importance of human relationships guides social work and affects personal progress and societal change. Our organization always take a purposeful approach to building partnerships that promote positive interactions, strong relationships, and well-being at the individual, family, social group, organization, and community levels.

i. Integrity

Abhilasha Aid Society occupies a central and crucial role in social work. Peoples and society alike benefit most when organization act in concert with their profession's ethical principles and standards, mission, and values. By adhering to ethical practices, organization conduct themselves with honesty and integrity.

j. Competence

Our organization always carry a responsibility to act within their competency level and pursue continuous professional development. Abhilasha Aid Society provides numerous resources for social work to increase their professional knowledge, enhance and apply their skills, and contribute to the knowledge base of social work.

President Message

The first wind of change had an inspirational beginning in 2010 during a social concern conversation with a group of active and passionate people at my home. I remember the conversation was on the current social and economic conditions, and as the discussion progressed, it became clear that the single most important factor responsible for the pathetic plight of the community was lack of awareness and knowledge. It was felt that an N.G.O. It can be the best way to reach the underprivileged, through which we will aim to provide services by reaching out to those poor, helpless and needy people, through which we can make people aware and educated, as well as make us speechless. There will also be an opportunity to serve untold animals and birds.

         All the members of the group completely believed in this beautiful heartfelt sentiment and shared their thoughts with some other like-minded individuals. The evident enthusiasm and sincerity of the members was reflected in the fact that despite their busy professional lives and social commitments, they were always ready to spare time for the work of Abhilasha Aid Society.

                 We have organized several social issues and awareness camps, conducted educational and skill training programs and also undertaken cleanliness drives – all of which have greatly benefited the poor and the underprivileged. The germ of an idea that was sown on that evening of 23rd April has actually grown into a full fledged tree by the grace of God, my appreciation to the respected members of this group is immense- their dedication and sincerity hard work is  makes  Abhilasha Aid Society is the uniquely successful and progressive organization it is today. May our unity and our hard work become our strength and identity!

                         This NGO, mainly with many programs in the areas of health, education, tree plantation, skill development, street animal care, tree plantation and environmental protection, food kits, medical facilities, financial assistance etc. to the poor, helpless, and vulnerable people; Aimed at the welfare of the most underprivileged section of our society. The immediate focus on education and health is due to the upliftment of communities that are relatively less-privileged. Our people have waited too long to see the meaningful benefits accruing to them. They have worked hard and suffered, and longed for many things that never came their way. We want to deliver what we can to our people. The promise of doing good begins with a feeling of caring and empathy.

          If we can put ourselves in our neighbor's shoes, we understand that a community thrives when there is kindness, justice, equality, and inclusion. As we begin serving the community, we celebrate the achievements and progress that has been made possible because of all of you. We are inspired by current and former trustees, donors, nonprofit staff and board, mentors, and all partners who believe in the simple premise of “Together, we do better.” And with great humility and unwavering commitment, we Determined to do better every year.

           We are trying our best to partner with donor agencies, communities, government bodies, private sector and other organizations across the globe to uplift and serve the weaker sections of the society in India. There is no doubt that our participatory approach will improve lives and livelihoods. Abhilasha Aid Society is committed to provide basic facilities to the underprivileged and basic education and health services to the children and will continue to work for Education and health and food & care and for the helpless animals and birds. We hope these words inspire you to join us in our mission to partner for good.

Our Objective

Social Welfare



Human Rights

Anti Crime

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